How To Create Cybersecurity Budget

Self-Fund Cybersecurity By Reducing Telecom Expenses

In today’s business world, the risk of a cyberattack against companies of all sizes is very real. Hackers are using savvier-than-ever methods to compromise networks and hold valuable data ransom. You may not have budget readily available for comprehensive cybersecurity and protection, but the consequences of going without could be devastating, costing businesses an average of $200K per incident.

There is a simple path to protecting your company, accessing robust intelligence and gaining protection at an accelerated pace. The key to enabling a cybersecurity strategy is through self-funding. By freeing up expenses in other areas of your IT and telecom budget you can leverage a trustworthy Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) to achieve Fortune 500-level security, no matter the size of your company. Cyber attacks on small businesses are on the rise, especially by threat actors taking advantage of pandemic vulnerabilities.

Overcoming The Cost And Shortage Of Cybersecurity Talent

Hiring in-house experts is a challenge. There is a staffing shortage that isn’t going away any time soon and acquiring available, high-skilled talent is costing more than most companies can afford.

Procuring intelligence, security software or building a SOC or Security Operations Center on your own is also extremely cost-prohibitive. That’s probably why between 55% and 65% of small and medium businesses have no plans in place to deal with security breaches, according to analyst Hyoun Park with Amalgam Insights.

When you partner with Plexus Tech as your Managed Services Security Provider (MSSP), we work with you to free up the funds you need from other areas of your budget to implement a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. And instead of procuring separate, costly services on your own, you’ll leverage our massive $600M buying power to get best-in-class cybersecurity technology at a much more reasonable rate.

Plexus Tech For Your Fully Managed Security Services

When you work with Plexus Tech as your managed security services provider (MSSP), we’ll help you right-size, design and implement a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that fits surprisingly easily into your existing budget. You already have the funds – you just need to free them!

Cutting-Edge Intelligence

Leverage our access to FireEye’s threat intelligence, known as the best in the world, to proactively help you avoid cyber attacks


Right-Sized Protection

Avoid investing in cybersecurity measures you do not need. Tailor your protection to your industry and unique vulnerabilities, without overspending.


Full Lifecycle Security

Secure your entire IT portfolio, from endpoints to networks to the cloud, and train your employees to be your best line of defense.


What You Need To Self-Fund Cybersecurity

To help you fund and implement a cybersecurity strategy to protect your business, Plexus Tech offers fully managed solutions:


Communications Lifecycle Management

We’ll optimize your telecom and connectivity inventory to significantly reduce costs and free up budget for cybersecurity initiatives.

Managed Security Services

We'll design and implement a right-sized cybersecurity strategy that fits your business needs and vulnerabilities, and arms you with best-in-class intelligence for threat detection.