Supporting A Remote Workforce Long Term

Will Your Quarantined Remote Workers Remain Remote?

As months of work-from-home quarantine life becomes the new normal, there’s a real chance that at least a portion of your remote workforce will stay remote – but is your IT department prepared for a long-term transition?

Serendipitously, COVID19 caused many businesses to realize the benefits of having employees work from home because it enabled greater cost savings and employee productivity. But when the pandemic began companies had no time to prepare. They were focused on short-term goals – just getting their employees computers and monitors to be able to work from home at all. If you’re looking to transition a portion of your remote workforce permanently, you need to create a business continuity plan to ensure a sustainable transition. If this is not done strategically, you can end up losing control of costs and spending more money on technology…potentially opening yourself up to security risks. With the right managed services partner, you can make sure you are prioritizing the technology that you need in the most cost effective way for sustainable long term support.

A typical employer can save about $11,000 per year for every person who works remotely 50% of the time.1


Plexus Tech Helps Your Remote Work Transition

Plexus Tech is your outcome-driven partner in the most critical areas of IT including connectivity, infrastructure and security to enable a successful long-term remote workforce transition. We work together with you to right-size technology to support productivity while putting the proper security in place to protect your business. Our only interest is your best interest – we know that your priority is cost-saving measures and we work with you at every step of the way, from procurement to implementation to usage optimization, to ensure that costs remain low without sacrificing performance.


The wireless and wireline services and devices your employees will be using to perform their duties in a work-from-home environment



The central networks, VPNs and cloud services you have in place for storing and transmitting data so your employees have access to everything they need



The measures and protections you have in place to secure dozens or even hundreds of endpoints, and all of their individual access points to your network


What You Need To Support A Remote Workforce

To help you fund and implement the right infrastructure to support your remote employees, Plexus Tech offers fully managed services in the following areas and more:


Communications Lifecycle Management

Optimize your telecom and connectivity inventory from procurement to deployment, eliminating redundancies and reducing costs.

Managed IT Services

Consolidate existing IT infrastructure and implement new, efficient systems that support your budget and operations - now and for the long-term.

Managed Security Services

Install firewalls that allow for protection across virtual networks and remote connections. Establish procurement and MDM protocols for every employee so you have control over every device. Leverage cybersecurity software and tools on endpoints and devices.