New to Expense Management?

Considering an expense management partner?

A good TEM partner will automate your workflow processes, provide granular visibility and save money for your organization.

Get control, save time and money.

Technology Expense Management firms (TEMs) track and control recurring expenses associated with a communications network.

This includes everything from contracted rate reviews, dispute management support, general ledger coding, executing client invoice payments and entails all other services involved in a full 360-degree TEM Lifecycle Management program.

It’s a digital transformation.

Modern Technology Expense Management firms address expenses beyond traditional communications network expenses and include utilities and various other recurring expenses within the enterprise. A modern TEM partner employs industry best practices and simplifies daily expense management activities, including associated assets.  Save more time so you and your team can concentrate on those tasks most important to you and your business.

Typical In-house Costs:

Typical In-house Costs:

A great partner has SaaS software to automate the workflows, track details, and provide service teams to support your team.

Consider typical in-house cost:

  • Typical AP Invoice Processing costs: $10 to $20 per invoice
  • Average Telecom Invoice Processing costs: $35 to $95 per invoice
  • Average Late Fee: $15 to $45 per invoice

*Source: Amalgam Insights 2020

How does it work?

The first step is to assess the current state of your telecom spend. Simply provide us access to your invoices and give permission to communicate with vendors on your behalf. This allows us access to all needed information to evaluate the current state of your network operations and expenses.

We create an inventory of every item, identify the purpose for each, assess rate compliance, and evaluate opportunities to optimize. This inventory is a list of everything you have, everything you pay for, and every individual charge. In summary, Plexus Tech will do the following:

Based upon our findings, we will provide a list of recommendations to eliminate unused circuits and other services, refunds you should receive for overcharges, and all other recommendations to improve network efficiency and reduce expenses. On approval by your team, we file and work disputes, monitor and report on progress, and perform any needed escalations to drive network enhancements and realize savings.

We will also automate the A/P workflow, including coding for the general ledger. This will eliminate 90-95% of A/P processing time.

All circuits, services, numbers, and charges are monitored real time providing full visibility and control to your team.

How does that differ from what we can do in-house? Why would I want to outsource this?

A great partner has SaaS software to automate the workflows, track details, and provide service teams to support your team.

Benefits of hiring Plexus Tech as your Expense Management partner:

Typical Manual Enterprise Expense Management

Get control, save time and money.

Is there a difference between TEM Partners? Absolutely.

Many TEM firms promise results, getting their customer to commit to long-term contracts, but fail in execution. We deliver consistently and have the references to back it up.

You will also be utilizing one of the most powerful and user-friendly platforms in the industry.

Our customers stay with us for a reason.

We'd Love to Hear from You

Have a question about optimizing your telecom connectivity and want to make sure you are getting the best rates for your locations? Are you keeping track of your mobile inventory and optimizing service plans? Unsure what options are best to keep your organization’s data secure and compliant? We want to be your resource and hear from you!
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